Thursday, April 17, 2008

Isn't this blogging stuff great?

There are so many blogs out there and I don't really write enough about any specific topic. Besides a lot of my posts are probably not that interesting. For one thing, I don't promote controversy or take risks in my writing. So I don't really wonder about people not commenting in here. I expect that my posts will get bolder and more interesting as the years roll by. If interaction with readers occurs, great. But I don't plan on spending that much time sitting before a computer and responding to reader comments. I would rather be out on my bicycle down in the Cape, ogling girls at the beach or hanging out in Harvard Square...ogling girls. I primarily put this blog together as a way to gather my thoughts, look back in time to read my own posts and wonder about my state of mind when I wrote those posts. In that way, this blog serves as a great log or diary.

My next post will be on the progress I have made on my Spring training program so far as well as a note on the design of the next phase of the program due to start next week. Next year, I will likely review all this data, think about how close it got me to my goal of reaching a body fat percent of around 10 (down from 16) and then make adjustments as necessary for Spring training 2009.

Is it better to work out in the morning or the evening?

If you do a web search on this topic, you will get all kinds of studies pointing out why training at one time or another in the day is best ...