Despite all my misgivings on this very sensitive topic, I go to extreme lengths to avoid discussing it (guess I am contradicting myself with this post). I feel that it is more important to prevent inflammation of any sort than trying to prevent my ego from getting bruised. We have enough problems on this planet related to this subject and I believe that it is our responsibility to avoid further escalation of such problems.
A while ago a close friend of mine, who is a devout Christian, asked me if he could take a few minutes and talk to me about Jesus Christ. It made me uncomfortable immediately. It is not that listening to him would have made me lose 15 lbs of hard earned muscle. I just would rather not talk about certain things. But its hard to say no to a friend for fear of upsetting him over what was essentially a subject of importance for him. But to his credit, he didn't pursue it once he realized that I wasn't being very receptive. He did, however, ask me if I did anything to take care of my soul (the same way I take care of my physique) and what I would do if I ever felt confused or lost. A valid question. People think that stress is only negative. But stress can also come from positive happenings. Anyway, I gave him an answer that I have presented as a graphic below.

I should add though that, having successfully shed the shadowy influence of any religion or my own Indian culture (it's impractical traits, at least), I have evolved a thought process that is very minimal in its implementation. I wanted to use the word "primal" instead of "minimal" but can a primal nature and rational mind go hand-in-hand in civilization?
As the years roll by, I am finding out that, given my background, it has indeed been worthwhile to have taken...the road not taken!
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