Balaji has an interesting post called The Other Side on his blog where he summarizes his thoughts on the suicide of Indian entertainers. I thought that I would respond to his post on my blog. Hey, it gives me something to write about on my blog...
Such performers face two issues:
1. A lot of them have never had good mentors. You don't have to look any further than Britney Spears or a Paris Hilton to understand what I mean. Plus, like TC writes in his wonderful Boys to Men, we do not have certain rites of passage in "civilized" societies anymore. While TC's article applies to males, females, bound by superior intuitiveness, possibly need different ways to deal with an upwelling of emotion.
2. Because they hailed from a movie background, these performers came or were under intense pressure to come into the industry at young ages well before they had had a chance to identify and cope with insecurities while they were not used to being in the limelight.
This is why working actors and those who have had a regular job before turning to show business tend to deal with public scrutiny and "scandals" much better than those who made it big at a very young age. The former would have had a chance to properly grow up emotionally.
On a side note, this post completes my first year of blogging.