Infertility affects one in 25 American men.
The first one was refreshing (well, at least the first 20 minutes) and after barely sitting through the second one for about half-an-hour (which I caught on DVD at a friend's house), I put my hat on and went to see another friend. The trailer of SM3 reeks of melodrama and I could never particularly accept Tobey, that awesome man-boy, as a superhero anyway. Plus the overused background chorus in these big-budget movies is now starting to annoy me.

And what the hell is she wearing?
Speaking of budget, I heard that they have spent $250 Million to make SM3! I mean...what the holy f*ck! I could understand a budget like that for the Lord of the Rings franchise, which actually represents an epic event. But all that money for a dude with mental issues wearing a mask...!
I am going to lunch out now. I need to pause and take stock of a few things...