Here is the first part. To recap:
1. I am following a periodization plan with the following phases in that order: GPP, Strength, BC and Hypertrophy.
2. I just completed the Strength phase which comprised of the following program design:
Session 1: Back Squats (10 sets of 3 repetitions).
Session 2: Weighted Dips or Push Presses (10x3).
Session 3: Barbell Rows or Weighted Chins (10x3).
How did the Strength phase turn out?
1. I seem to have favored the Push Presses and Barbell Rows to their alternatives. I kept adding weight on all movements in each successive session, which means I got stronger. 245 lbs for 10 sets of 3 reps on the back squat is very good!
2. I didn't take the 4th week off as I had planned. I am taking a few days off now. I have to because of a nagging ligament strain in my right ankle from a hiking "mishap" earlier this year.
3. I also got ambitious after the 2nd week and added a second exercise for 5 Sets of 5 Reps bringing the total training volume to 15 sets. I was completing my sessions in less than 40 minutes toward the end of the 5th week.
End result: I have trained almost 5 weeks straight with 2 to 3 sessions per week. I am stronger, my jawline appears slightly more defined and my muscle bellies -- especially lower quads and shoulders/upper back -- have deepened.
Next: The Body Composition (BC) Phase
I had originally intended to start the BC phase with a session of sprinting. The weather in Boston for the next few days is definitely favorable for track work.
But because of the right ankle, I am going to delay the sprinting. Instead I am going to substitute one of the sessions with low-impact complexes. I will also add a 3rd supplementary exercise to the weight training sessions. So:
Session 1: Complexes (5 to 7 sets of 5 to 6 repetitions)
Session 2: Back Squats (10x3), Pullovers (5x3), Ab Pulldowns (5 sets for time)
Session 3: Weighted Dips (7x3), Weighted Chins (7x3), Static/Dynamic Back Extensions (4 to 6 sets)
Leisure bicycling begins next weekend. Call it a feeder or recovery workout for the lower body in addition to the advantage of being out in the sun. I am not sure when the sprinting will kick in. I am just going to go by how my ankle feels. So I might start with some running up on steps -- plenty of those near where I live, including in my apartment building -- to first test my ankle.
I don't know when the BC phase will end. It could happen by the 1st week of June (I go to India during the 2nd week) although sprinting will continue throughout the summer and into early Fall. So I guess that I will begin the sprinting first, assess my progress and then decide on an end date.