Here is an extract from the article:
"Switzerland's Federal Commission on Racial Discrimination, recommends far-reaching changes.
It criticises the practice of allowing members of a community to vote on an individual's citizenship application.
Muslims and people from the Balkans and Africa are the most likely to be rejected, the report points out."

I like the Swiss...well, at least Roger Federer.
When I go to Switzerland I expect to see Roger Federer and the alps. When I go to India, I expect to see...cows on the road and homo sapien families of 24. So I wouldn't want a Swiss or anyone else to easily become a citizen of India either. India has a specific identity and just letting in anyone might affect that. I mean it just won't be India anymore. Hmmm...wait a minute! On second thoughts maybe it doesn't matter. Even if you transplant all of Switzerland's 7.4 million citizens amongst India's 1 billion, I have a feeling India will somehow retain her identity. Still I can see why the Swiss, living in such a small state, feel the way they do about their identity.
Anyway, there can only be one United States...
Original article:
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