The BBC has an article today entitled
Swiss citizenship system 'racist'. According to the article, those communities, where applicants for citizenship reside in, are the ones responsible for voting as to whether those applicants can become citizens.
Here is an extract from the article:
"Switzerland's Federal Commission on Racial Discrimination, recommends far-reaching changes.
It criticises the practice of allowing members of a community to vote on an individual's citizenship application.
Muslims and people from the Balkans and Africa are the most likely to be rejected, the report points out."
I like the Swiss...well, at least Roger Federer.
When I go to Switzerland I expect to see Roger Federer and the alps. When I go to India, I expect to see...cows on the road and homo sapien families of 24. So I wouldn't want a Swiss or anyone else to easily become a citizen of India either. India has a specific identity and just letting in anyone might affect that. I mean it just won't be India anymore. Hmmm...wait a minute! On second thoughts maybe it doesn't matter. Even if you transplant all of Switzerland's 7.4 million citizens amongst India's 1 billion, I have a feeling India will somehow retain her identity. Still I can see why the Swiss, living in such a small state, feel the way they do about their identity.
Anyway, there can only be one United States...
Original article: