The Samson on...I mean, and Goliath toy. Hey, where's the delectable Delilah? Are they fighting over her?
If toys have to put the faith in kids, then that to me is an act of desperation by those who want to send the message. Of course, I can't discount the possibility that this (out-of-control kids who need to be showered with the latest toy) is also an economic opportunity for some shrewd people to make money.
It will always be difficult for a high-consumption, fully democratic society and religion to "integrate" the way religious leaders probably want the general population to. Because if it were any easier, then there wouldn't be that much of a difference between the societal "morals" of the United States and Saudi Arabia.

Guess who this is? Yup. David. That discerning young man who slayed Goliath. This was a sculpture by Donatello (circa 1440). Of course, its hardly want you want your kids to see and play with in Walmart during these enlightened times...
Original BBC article here
I wonder what the David and Goliath dolls will actually look like? Will they be all cartoony, with Goliath looking all huge and evil and David looking all innocent and wholesome? Didn't Goliath have a club? Will they include that in the doll? Because I could see kids play-acting in a very non-religious manner with that club...
Also David, I believe, had a sling, a dangerous weapon. I am thinking that they will keep the dolls as "safe" as possible by leaving all weapons out.
Probably...but doesn't that defeat the purpose? especially if the dolls are the same size? I mean, the whole point of the story was that little humble David slayed gargantuan Goliath with a piddly little stone, right? But I suppose they can't safely include the weapons, so...
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