I don't know why but I have long held a fascination for power pylons. I think the interest started when I was in my early teens making a trip to Trichy with a family friend. He had some business to attend to and I decided to return to Madurai (my hometown) alone. That was my first time travelling on my own and I found it thrilling (later I remembered my mother scolding that family friend for letting me travel alone). Anyway it was on that "epic journey" back to Madurai in a rickety old bus that some power pylons in the distant haze of the countryside caught my attention. I remembered trying to keep an eye on them almost all the way to the outskirts of Madurai before my eyes started to ache and I had to give up...temporarily. Those giants just stood there "lonely as a cloud". Ever since, whenever I travel, I have always kept my eye out for 'em.
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