Tuesday, March 20, 2007

'Not Surrey'

An article in the BBC today quotes a British Colonel Ed Brown (that name sounds more American to me) based in Iraq as saying that, "Things are imperfect, but we make a huge mistake, and we will move down a road that will end in real failure, if we try and turn this into Surrey. It isn't."

No, damn it, its not Surrey! No one delivers milk in a bottle to one's door in Iraq. If anything were delivered, it will likely be the last delivery one will ever receive, if you catch my drift. There are no dance halls to take the ladies out on a beautiful autumn English evening (I wouldn't mind a few of those, by the way) although I am quite sure one likely does a fair bit of dancing when finding oneself in the midst of a firefight.

The Colonel further adds that, "There is a level of violence here, but that is life in Iraq. It's been like this for thousands of years. It's not going to change."

By Jove, they finally got it!

Installing Democracy in the middle east?! Who were they kidding?

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