Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Can any self-taught programmers share how you learned programming?

That was a question asked on Quora. And this was my response:

"Got referred to a part-time Software Tester job in ’98 by a student I befriended in a French course — an elective — during my 3rd year in college as a Political Science major. The testing process was monotonous: you recorded what you did on the application being tested and then played that recording back using some products called Rational Recorder and Rose. How boring! So I tinkered around and found out that the test data was all captured as string values in a VBA script. Interesting.. this script thing! So I changed the string values, added my own, etc. and found that the scripts played back with the changed data. Oh wow! There was a product called Microsoft Access installed on my PC. I opened it — just like I had opened every other app that was installed on my PC — and wondered if I could capture the test data in this database thing and have the VBA script read data from that database instead. Few days later, I had VBA scripts that only had code in them. And it was much, much shorter and succinct code. But that code was using ADO — or was it Jet? — to now read test data values from an Access database. Yay! I enhanced the code so that it generated random test data values, even more test data values than what was originally captured, etc. The testing suddenly became much more dynamic. The whole team adapted my “technique”. I may have got a pat on the back. I don’t remember. At 21, I was too naive about receiving recognition, etc. I was only interested in girls, an used Oldsmobile Achieva that I had been eyeing and.. this coding thing!

I was mostly hanging out with the Indian community back then. And the H1-Bs were all on PowerBuilder and dissing a product called Visual Basic. Visual Basic? Hmm, sounds familiar. I looked around and, sure enough, there was a product called Visual Basic and it had a derivative called V..VB.. VBA! Which I had already worked with! Holy Cow! I remember thinking, “Those PowerBuilder guys have no idea what they are talking about.” Humph! Two months later, I had my MCP certification for passing the Microsoft Visual Basic Desktop Applications exam..back when Microsoft exams were simpler and to the point. By this time, I had made a very good friend who worked for State Street bank. His tools: Visual C++, Sybase, etc. His background: a Master’s in Aeronautics from IIT Chennai. Gulp! He had magazines called Microsoft Systems Journal lying around all over his place. Under the Hood by Matt Pietrek.. what’s that? Who’s that? Hooks? Multi-threading? Oh, how interesting. I wonder if I can make all that shit work with VB? My friend showed me his C++ code. Pointers, network sockets and shit. Look at that! But, oh man. And I had already dropped out of college. Could I ever get to his level?! I decided to find out for myself. I looked around on a budding website called Craigslist, interviewed for and got a VB6 programming job at a startup south of Boston. I was with that company for 10 years. Phew! Oh and..I am still great friends with my “C++ friend”. 20 years now. I was the photographer at his wedding!"

Sunday, March 10, 2019

The delectable Simran

I do miss Simran's acting. Check out the segment at 1:23:36 to 1:23:38. Her sex appeal sometimes tended to undermine her remarkable abilities as an actress. But she always delivered when the script demanded an impact. Jyothika came closest to Simran's abilities but only later in her career. Simran was consistent from the beginning, a natural performer. Sneha was also pretty reliable all through her career. But I feel Sneha's total impact scenes were a much smaller number as she didn't always get juicy scripts like Simran did. Simran's dance skills were unrivaled though. At her peak, no other actress could touch her when it came time to let it rip. It was no surprise then that her physique never strayed out of shape at a time when many actresses in southern India always carried flab. But above all of Simran's abilities stood her ability to generate atmosphere, a rare, scene-stealing gift. As her career wound down in the mid-2000s, I also lost interest in newer Tamil movies as a more engaging lifestyle in the US emerged. So I can't tell how these actresses are faring today. Of course, I still return to these older movies from the 90s now and then.

Simran's dance skills were unrivaled.

Is it better to work out in the morning or the evening?

If you do a web search on this topic, you will get all kinds of studies pointing out why training at one time or another in the day is best ...